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Why architecture your house?

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures. Architecture is about the making of places where people spend their lives. Architects are concerned with the exterior and interior design of a building together with the environment as a whole. Architecture is mostly about human beings living in a "better" way than before. Social sciences and psychology is as important as nanotechnology in sustainable materials.

Why architecture matters?

"come to grips with how things feel to us when we stand before them, with how architecture affects us emotionally as well as intellectually" - with its impact on our lives. "Architecture begins to matter," writes Paul Goldberger, "when it brings delight and sadness and perplexity and awe along with a roof over our heads."

Who is an architect?

The word "Architect" is a protected term by Sri Lankan law. Only individuals who are authorized to call themselves "Architects" are those who are authorized by "Sri Lanka Institute of Architects" (SLIA). This authorization criterion requires that the candidates complete accredited degree course that extends more than 5 years, and in order to become a Chartered Architect, a comprehensive training under a Senior Chartered Architect is also required together with a successfully completed design project at final examination. At the end of this training one can call himself a "Chartered Architect" and everyone else are prohibited to use the team under the "Sri Lanka Institute of Architects Law, No 1 of 1976"

what is your architect’s approach?

  • Inquire – Getting to the core of the problem and soliciting requirements.
  • Integrate – act as a bridge between a given project and how that project fits into the broader context.
  • Analyze – analyze the information that they have collected.
  • Conceptualize – create a conceptual vision of the solution.
  • Abstract - communicate the key details to many audiences.
  • Visualize – represent the architectural models and drawings at each level of abstraction.
  • Formalize – specific enough to unambiguously communicate the details.
  • Communicate – architects are in the role as a communicator.
  • Enable - will make other’s job easier.
  • Assist - one of the primary enablers is to actively assist projects during the use of architecture

what values we bring to your home architecture?

  • Artistic aspects and self-expression design value – inner spiritual self and creative imagination, inner resources and intuition.
  • The spirit of the time design value – conception that every age has a certain spirit or set of shared attitudes that should be utilized.
  • The structural, functional and material honesty design value – linked to the idea that a building or product form shall be shaped on the basis of its intended function.
  • The simplicity and minimalism design value – aesthetics without considerable ornaments, simple geometry and smooth surface.
  • The nature and organic design value – idea that nature can provide inspiration, functional clues and aesthetic.
  • The classic, traditional and vernacular aesthetics design value – timeless principles that transcend particular designers, cultures and climates.
  • The regionalism design value – in accordance with the particular characteristics of a specific place.
  • The social change design value – commitment to change society for the better through architecture and industrial design.
  • The consultation and participation design value – belief that it is beneficial to involve stakeholders in the process.
  • Restoration and preservation design value – commitment to preserve the best of buildings and products for future generations.

why should not think "we all could do it"?

As above, Architecture is not "drafting plans". It is an art that is far beyond from drafting plans.

Building plans are simply an easy-to-understand presentation form of a comprehensive Architectural Design and therefore many people used to misunderstand Architectural Designs as "plans". The final outcome of an Architect is, therefore, a "building design" that is presented with many plans and views.

If someone, jumps directly to plans, without having a firm Architectural background,

  • Budgetary concerns of the client will not be honored
  • Functional requirements will not be fulfilled
  • Will become an unlivable building, where occupants may fall ill and unhappy due to ventilation, water leakage and lighting issues.
  • Will not be elegant as a designed by an architect
  • Will not be proportionately accurate form the outside view
  • Will not be Engineered or costly
  • Will face many difficulties in construction stages especially at the roof
  • Will be socially obsolete: building is new but looks outdated
  • Land utilization will not be optimum and therefore the area may be wasted
  • Many more disadvantages due to improper/ unstructured knowledge of the “designer”